Monday, December 17, 2007

Where to begin?

So... you decided you want to start a new business. You have a product everyone should have, or a service everyone needs... now what? You need a name, a logo, business cards, a website, maybe brochures, or some fliers. You want the world to know about you and what you have to offer... How do you spread the word? You need customers... How do you get people to trust in your product, or your services and become your customers? How do you make sure they come back? How important is the logo? Who can design it and how much will it cost? How much should you spend on your business cards? Who can build your website? What is the cost? All these crazy questions, ideas, worries... So where to begin?
  1. Business name, catchy phrase/tag line, promise statement
  2. Logo
  3. Business cards
  4. Website

This is the list of essential accessories for every business.

It is very hard to start. operate, or grow any business without having the essential four.

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